well that was the initial plan, but apparently this become a scattered space of my inconsistent ramble and incoherent mumble. I write my heart out, I throw my anger and frustation, I jotted my hopes and dreams, I record my random thoughts here

May 6, 2010

Indonesia forest fact

  • Fact #1: 95 percent of exports were not legal in the early nineties.
  • Fact #2: Malaysian companies have been accused of logging illegally and smuggling logs to Malaysia
  • Fact #3: Illegal logging supplies 52 percent of logs. In the mid 1990s, 84 percent of timber concession holders failed to obey the law.
  • Fact #4: Losses due to illegal logging estimated to be $3.5 per year in the mid nineties
  • Fact #5: 84 percent of timber concessionaires do not follow the law. Illegal logging is taking place in national parks
  • Fact #6: As much as 40 percent of the pulp and paper wood supplies come from undocumented sources
source: Contreras-Hermosilla (2001)

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